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Car A/C Service

Car A/C Service | Anchor Toyota

Car A/C Service

Nobody wishes to spend time in a hot vehicle during the summer, making it vital to keep up with your vehicle's air conditing service. At Anchor Toyota, we are the right place to visit to have your vehicle's A/C serviced and maintained. There are many benefits to serving your A/C, including having cool air, system reliability, and staying cool all summer long. Visit our location at your earliest convenience and let us help you enjoy your summer without worrying about being in a hot car.

Check The Cabin Air Filter

Sometimes, your vehicle will have a cabin air filter that's extremely dirty, causing airflow issues. When this happens, your A/C will be less effective in cooling the cabin since it won't be able to push the cool air into the interior. Checking the cabin air filter is easy, and replacement is inexpensive, so if you park your vehicle outside, you should be checking your cabin air filter before summer.

Check Your Windshield Cowl

Tree leaves and other external debris can make their way onto your vehicle's windshield cowl, causing poor air quality and reducing airflow going into the cabin air filter. If your vehicle has leaves building up around the windshield cowl, consider vacuuming debris and check if contaminants have made it to the filter.

Get Your Toyota Air Conditioning Recharged

With time, your vehicle's A/C could require a recharge to return to its maximum cooling performance, but be sure not to fill a system that leaks since that can harm you and the environment. Consider bringing your vehicle in to have a qualified mechanic inspect and recharge your system.

Have The System Diagnosed

Depending on the situation, your vehicle might be experiencing a refrigerant leak from the A/C system, causing your A/C not to function properly. A factory-trained technician from our Service Centre can check the various components of your vehicle's A/C system, ensuring everything is functioning as intended.

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